Friday, September 2, 2011

Jem really is truly outrageous

Scarlett's show du jour is Jem and the Holograms or as she likes to call it Jam.  I used to love Jem when I was a little one. It was my favorite. I didn't even need the Jem doll with the light up earrings to love her. Good thing too, since I never got one and I had to hang out with annoying Danielle just to play with her Jem doll. She didn't even appreciate her Jem doll! She used it as a pawn to get me over there that's all Jem was to her. I would have never treated my Jem doll that way. But I digress.

So, I'm watching Jem last night for the first time in about 25 years. (Shit I'm old) I start remembering little things about the plot. This show is pretty fucked up! Ok so check it. Jericca ( yes Jericca) Benton is our main character. She is dating Rio (yes Rio and yes I bet he dances on the sand). Jericca has an alter  ego, JEM! Well, Rio doesn't know that Jem is in fact his girlfriend, Jerrica. Seriously guys if you're going to keep secrets like this your relationship is never going to work. Anyway, so Rio and Jerrica are all hunky dory. But you know sometimes at night Jerrica disappears. What's weird though is that she only vanishes when Jem's performing. She must really NOT be a fan of that Jem. Rio doesn't seem to notice. When Jerrica is out of sight she's apparently out of mind too. So when Jem's around Rio is on her like bread on butter, white on rice, flies on poop.  I mean it's obvious he has feelings for Jem too. And Jerrica knows she's really Jem but Rio doesn't! So as far as Rio knows he's diggin 2 girls. But Jem/Jerrica has NO problem with that? Really? Where's your damn backbone girl? You're a hot lady of the 80's get out there and find yourself someone who can handle all you're givin' out. Rio is obviously NOT that guy. You and Kimber should take a girls night and go guy hunting. That's what you need.

Does any of the above make any sense at all? I thought so. Good.

My favorite part of Jem are the names. I'll make a name list for you guys. You're welcome any preggos who are reading this I bet you'll find  your bambinos name right here. I for one kind of want to make another baby JUST to use a Jem name.






Phyllis "Pizzazz" Gabor (for real)

Roxanne "Roxi" if your nasty








Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Dee!

The big day has come and gone. My sweet Dee is 1! That was the fastest year on record I think. You kept us super busy this year little lady.  It's been amazing getting to know you. I knew you were going to be your own person. The only point of reference I had though, was Scarlett. It was only natural for me to compare you two. Boy! Did you throw us a curve ball. You are your own person and not afraid to let ANYONE know it girlfriend. You are as loud, proud, sassy, opinionated as you are sweet, funny, and affectionate. You can be screaming one second, having us all in a tizzy trying to make you happy, then the next moment you flash that sweet DelilahB smile and boom our hearts melt like butter.

I was so looking forward to watching you and Scarlett get to know each other. She loves you so much Dee. She is so proud of you and so protective too.  She's always trying to calm you when you are fussy. She loves to hug and kiss you. She is proudest when she makes you laugh. You think she is hilarious by the way. Sometimes, she is the only one that can make you happy. It's like you two already have your own secret sister language.  These are the best moments of motherhood thus far.

OH and you are so smart! You already know all the parts of the face. I'll ask you where my nose, eyes, and mouth are and you take my finger and point to them. How cool is that? Wicked cool. You know that you are "SO BIG". You have several words like, no, bad, and the ever popular dad.

Your favorite past time is eating. You eat everything.  I mean everything. And you eat  lots of it. It's so fun to watch. You also love, love to play and explore. You love all of the toys Scarlett never had much use for. See? Different kids I tell ya.

You have been such a gift to our family. You've only been here a year and I can't remember much of life before you. You fit in like the long lost missing piece to a puzzle. I love you  more than you will ever know sweet girl. Your kisses and cuddles get me through tough days. Just like your song says Dee "Times Square can't shine as bright as you". It's so true  Dee.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

11 Months!

Whaaaat? How did that happen? Weren't you just born DelilahB? You can't be that mischievous, toddler-like creature cruising around here standing up on her own. That can't be you. Can it?  So your newest tricks include standing from sitting with NOTHING to assist you, and cruising on furniture. I have every confidence that you can walk right now, you just don't have the same confidence. I'm cool with that. Once you start walking that's it. I can't pretend you're a baby anymore. You have 2 words now! Dada and yes you even use it in the proper context. You also say HI! You'll wave and say Haaaaiiiii. So close enough for me.

Party planning is in full effect right now. Invites will be sent soon, your outfit is being made, and the decor is purchased. I'm so excited to celebrate a year with you! I love you sweet girl!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Most Optimistic

So yesterday Scarlett Graduated the 3 year old class. I can't believe her first school year is over all ready! I'm so thankful that we have another year before Kindergarten. Mama is so not ready, oh yeah and Scarlett probably isn't either. The ceremony was AMAZING. Not at all what we were expecting. Josh took off and Nene (my  mom), Paw Paw ( my dad), GuGu (Josh's Dad) were all in attendance.  Scarlett wore her cap and gown to the school and one of her Big Buddies took her from us when we got there. We went in and the High School band was playing an interlude of sorts. It was really nice. Then the 3 year old class got their "diplomas" and awards. Scarlett was awarded "Most Optimistic". I was a little surprised that the child who dramatically declares "I NEVER WON'T...(insert injustice here)" at least once a day was awarded such an award but whatever.  The Big Buddies also made a sweet montage that included a baby picture and class picture of each child. That was a tear jerker! Then Josh called me out for crying over pictures of other peoples kids. Way to ruin a moment. Then the Big Buddies presented the parents with a scrap book they had made for each child. It was full of projects and pics of Scarlett throughout the year. I was so touched!

After the ceremony we had a picnic lunch at the school. Then the real fun started! They had 4 moon bounces set up in the school gym. Every time we tried to scoot out Scarlett would say "Just 1 more time! No wait 3 more!" She was having a ball with her friends. Her buddy Jack Jack would run around the gym yelling "Scawlett! Scawlett! I wanna pway wif you!!" So sweet.

I'm so thankful we have found this program. Scarlett has formed some really special relationships with her classmates and Big Buddies. She's learned SO much! She can count to 40, write her name and knows her birthday. She learned about insect life cycles, recycling , and mixing primary colors to make secondary colors. Most importantly she learned about sharing, taking turns, and how to be a good friend. I hope her Big Buddies learned from her as well. I remember picking her up one day from school and asking her Big Buddy Darien how the day had been. He said it was busy since he had Scarlett plus another child to watch over. He said, " One needed one thing and the other needed something else at the same time. It was crazy. This class really makes me realize that I do want kids, just not until way, way, WAY into the future." I've always said the best birth control is other people's kids.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Days

So yesterday was a pretty big day in American history. Osama Bin Laden, mastermind behind the September 11th attacks, was killed by U.S. Navy Seals. It was an odd feeling when I found out about his death. My immediate reaction was one of happiness and excitement. Then it felt odd to feel happiness and excitement over the death of another human being, even one as evil as Bin Laden. So I thought and thought and thought about his death and what it meant. I'm not sure I came to any real conclusion. I just know that he was an evil man, his money and planning killed thousands of people both through the 9/11 attacks and the wars that resulted because of those attacks. He deserved to pay with his life for those crimes. I know that if I had lost a loved one on September 11th or in combat I would feel a small sense of peace that he finally got what he deserved. I think that's only human.

OK so onto happier topics. Delilah is 10 months old today! I'm so proud of my girl. Her list of accomplishments in the last month include: learning to clap, crawling up one stair, standing unassisted for a short period of time, and learning to sit down from standing position. She has to be over 20lbs now she is such a cute little chunk. I could literally eat her legs. She is still so strong willed. If you take your time feeding her food she balls up her little fists and screams at you. Cute  now, sure but I think it will eventually lose it's appeal. Speaking of food, she is all kinds of into finger foods now! She loves anything and everything you put on her tray. It's so much fun watching her learn new skills. I suppose I need to get started planning her 1st birthday party. I can't believe it's so close.

                                                                  Delilah 10 months!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter!

Easter 2011 is officially DONE. It was Dee's first and Scarlett's fifth. Is that right? Fifth Easter? Let's count, Easter 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Woah. I guess so. Anyway we drug this Easter thing out all weekend long.

Friday afternoon we went to hang with the Easter Bunny at the mall. Scarlett was pumped, until she saw this huge bunny lap awaiting her. She was shy put posed for the picture none the less. Dee was very whatever about the whole thing. As long as big sis was there she was cool. After that we went to an egg dying partay with Scarlett's friend Lili. The girls were way more interested in playing with one another than they were dying eggs. They did a few eggs then just couldn't handle it anymore and ran off to play.  Lili had a nice talk with Scarlett about how it's not nice to hit Dads, we ate pizza and home we went. 

Saturday night something magical happened. A bunny came to our house. I'm not quite sure how it got in. But that's not important. He left some awesome treats for the girls. We're talking candy and socks and sippy cups ya'll. The good stuff.

After all of the Easter basket excitement we decorated cupcakes and headed over the mountain to Nene and Paw Paw's house. Gugu and Grandma were to meet us there for an Easter Day fish fry. Scarlett had so much fun riding in the golf cart, rolling down the hill with Nene, and planting flowers in the flower boxes. Dee had a great time swinging outside and eating whatever bits of food people would throw her way. I swear she is like a Hoover vacuum.  Daddy got wasted and mama got full. It was a good day all in all.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


For Scarlett's 4th birthday she received The Butterfly Garden. It's pretty neat. You send out for 5 caterpillars and they come in the mail with all the food and what not. Eventually they wrap themselves up in cocoons or chrysalis or whatever. And turn into butterflies or moths or whatever.  So 4 of the 5 are doing ok. I can't tell if one has gone to caterpillar heaven or if he's just the runt. Are caterpillars like dogs do they ALL go to heaven? Something for you to ponder today. You're welcome.

Here they are about 3 days after arrival. That brown stuff is their food. Mmmmmm.

Check out that outfit Miss. Scarlett insisted on wearing today. My girl has style.

A girl and her pillars.

We'll keep you updated!

Monday, April 18, 2011

We're Baa-aaack!

I know! I know! Go change your depends mama's back to her blog! So it seems I've let blogging slip to the wayside. That's no way to be.

So what's been up in Hutchville since we last met? Well lots! First we bought our first house in Ye Olde Culpeper, VA. Then Scarlett turned 2. Then the country got it's first African American president. Woo! Then Josh knocked me up, again. Then Scarlett turned 3. Then sweet baby Dee joined the family. Then Scarlett turned 4. So I think you're all caught up 1, 2, black president, 3, fresh baby, 4,  and here we are.

So what's going on in the world? A whole bunch of crazy that's what. Gas is almost $4.00 a gallon. How are people supposed to afford that? It's a conspiracy I tell you.  The housing market still sucks. I'm estimating we'll be underwater with this house for the next 5-50 years.  People seem to be slowly but surely going back to work so that's good. Politicians are fighting like crazy. Wipe that shocked look of your face right now. If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'.  They almost shut down the whole operation a couple of weeks ago. Or so they say. I'm not so sure I buy that. Another Washington conspiracy if you ask me.

Now, onto the kids, Scarlett is all kinds of 4 years old and Delilah is 9.5 months. Scarlett is a sweet, sensitive little soul. She loves everything princess. Repunzel is her alter ego. She is a prima ballerina and all star soccer player. Although, she takes more pride in her "ballet moves".  She happens to be the best big sister this side of The Peper. She watches out for her little sister, alerting me to every stray piece of paper that makes it's way into Dee's mouth, blowing on Dee's belly to get a laugh, making silly faces to stop Dee's tears. She really has taken to this big sister thing like a champ. I'm so proud of my girl.

Then, there is my spunky little Delilah. She is loud, opinionated and strong. Traits I know will serve her well in the real world. I keep telling myself this as she challenges my every move. This girl has a smile that will light up any room though. I mean her eyes literally sparkle every time she smiles. She's freakin magical I tell ya. She's SO STRONG.  She's already trying to walk. She wants what she wants when she wants it and refuses to wait for anyone or anything.  Good think she's growing up in the digital age right? I'm so happy she's joined our family I don't know what I'd do with out my little Dee.

Josh and I are still trying to get a handle on this two kid situation. It's a challenge, no doubt about that. I thought one kid rocked my world. That was nothing compared to two. And people say adding another after two is easy. Another conspiracy.

So that in a blog shell is what's up with the Hutch.