Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Days

So yesterday was a pretty big day in American history. Osama Bin Laden, mastermind behind the September 11th attacks, was killed by U.S. Navy Seals. It was an odd feeling when I found out about his death. My immediate reaction was one of happiness and excitement. Then it felt odd to feel happiness and excitement over the death of another human being, even one as evil as Bin Laden. So I thought and thought and thought about his death and what it meant. I'm not sure I came to any real conclusion. I just know that he was an evil man, his money and planning killed thousands of people both through the 9/11 attacks and the wars that resulted because of those attacks. He deserved to pay with his life for those crimes. I know that if I had lost a loved one on September 11th or in combat I would feel a small sense of peace that he finally got what he deserved. I think that's only human.

OK so onto happier topics. Delilah is 10 months old today! I'm so proud of my girl. Her list of accomplishments in the last month include: learning to clap, crawling up one stair, standing unassisted for a short period of time, and learning to sit down from standing position. She has to be over 20lbs now she is such a cute little chunk. I could literally eat her legs. She is still so strong willed. If you take your time feeding her food she balls up her little fists and screams at you. Cute  now, sure but I think it will eventually lose it's appeal. Speaking of food, she is all kinds of into finger foods now! She loves anything and everything you put on her tray. It's so much fun watching her learn new skills. I suppose I need to get started planning her 1st birthday party. I can't believe it's so close.

                                                                  Delilah 10 months!

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