Thursday, May 19, 2011

Most Optimistic

So yesterday Scarlett Graduated the 3 year old class. I can't believe her first school year is over all ready! I'm so thankful that we have another year before Kindergarten. Mama is so not ready, oh yeah and Scarlett probably isn't either. The ceremony was AMAZING. Not at all what we were expecting. Josh took off and Nene (my  mom), Paw Paw ( my dad), GuGu (Josh's Dad) were all in attendance.  Scarlett wore her cap and gown to the school and one of her Big Buddies took her from us when we got there. We went in and the High School band was playing an interlude of sorts. It was really nice. Then the 3 year old class got their "diplomas" and awards. Scarlett was awarded "Most Optimistic". I was a little surprised that the child who dramatically declares "I NEVER WON'T...(insert injustice here)" at least once a day was awarded such an award but whatever.  The Big Buddies also made a sweet montage that included a baby picture and class picture of each child. That was a tear jerker! Then Josh called me out for crying over pictures of other peoples kids. Way to ruin a moment. Then the Big Buddies presented the parents with a scrap book they had made for each child. It was full of projects and pics of Scarlett throughout the year. I was so touched!

After the ceremony we had a picnic lunch at the school. Then the real fun started! They had 4 moon bounces set up in the school gym. Every time we tried to scoot out Scarlett would say "Just 1 more time! No wait 3 more!" She was having a ball with her friends. Her buddy Jack Jack would run around the gym yelling "Scawlett! Scawlett! I wanna pway wif you!!" So sweet.

I'm so thankful we have found this program. Scarlett has formed some really special relationships with her classmates and Big Buddies. She's learned SO much! She can count to 40, write her name and knows her birthday. She learned about insect life cycles, recycling , and mixing primary colors to make secondary colors. Most importantly she learned about sharing, taking turns, and how to be a good friend. I hope her Big Buddies learned from her as well. I remember picking her up one day from school and asking her Big Buddy Darien how the day had been. He said it was busy since he had Scarlett plus another child to watch over. He said, " One needed one thing and the other needed something else at the same time. It was crazy. This class really makes me realize that I do want kids, just not until way, way, WAY into the future." I've always said the best birth control is other people's kids.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Days

So yesterday was a pretty big day in American history. Osama Bin Laden, mastermind behind the September 11th attacks, was killed by U.S. Navy Seals. It was an odd feeling when I found out about his death. My immediate reaction was one of happiness and excitement. Then it felt odd to feel happiness and excitement over the death of another human being, even one as evil as Bin Laden. So I thought and thought and thought about his death and what it meant. I'm not sure I came to any real conclusion. I just know that he was an evil man, his money and planning killed thousands of people both through the 9/11 attacks and the wars that resulted because of those attacks. He deserved to pay with his life for those crimes. I know that if I had lost a loved one on September 11th or in combat I would feel a small sense of peace that he finally got what he deserved. I think that's only human.

OK so onto happier topics. Delilah is 10 months old today! I'm so proud of my girl. Her list of accomplishments in the last month include: learning to clap, crawling up one stair, standing unassisted for a short period of time, and learning to sit down from standing position. She has to be over 20lbs now she is such a cute little chunk. I could literally eat her legs. She is still so strong willed. If you take your time feeding her food she balls up her little fists and screams at you. Cute  now, sure but I think it will eventually lose it's appeal. Speaking of food, she is all kinds of into finger foods now! She loves anything and everything you put on her tray. It's so much fun watching her learn new skills. I suppose I need to get started planning her 1st birthday party. I can't believe it's so close.

                                                                  Delilah 10 months!